OSL Online Telephone Conference Calls

Teaching and Encouragement for Healing Ministry

Order of St Luke

            Guest Speakers

Important:  The conference telephone may change.  Advance notice for new number, speakers and call details, and access to recorded calls are sent to the email list.   click to join
Apr 17/11   May 15/11
Intercessory Prayer and My Healing   Reiki, Therapeutic Touch & Other Occult Practices
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The Rev. Nigel Mumford   Carol and Ted Ward with Francis MacNutt
Director   Christian Healing Associates
Christ the King Spiritual Life Center (Dio of Albany NY)   new website under construction - coming soon

 A former drill instructor in the Royal Marine Commandos, Nigel was born and educated in England. After witnessing his sister's healing, he dedicated his life to the Christian healing ministry.  He created "The Welcome Home Initiative" to provide healing ministry for the men and women of our Armed Services, as well as their families.

Recently he "became as close to death without dying", but by the healing grace of God and many intercessors, the severe complications of  H1N1 and pneumonia were overcome.  

Fr Nigel has an amazing story to share, and will have an important Word, and Holy Spirit-inspired encouragement for healing ministry.

Fr. Nigel was hospitalized with H1N1, pneumonia, and secondary pneumonia in October 2009, and was near death.  He was in a chemically induced coma for 19 days, after being put on a ventilator.  He was then given a tracheotomy.   6 weeks in ICU and 3 weeks at a rehab facility, Fr. Nigel was sent home Dec. 23, 2009, to continue his recovery.  The pulmonologist told him; “you were as close to death without dying that I have seen”.  Fr. Nigel gives thanks and praise to all the intercessors who lifted him up in prayer.  "I am alive because of prayer. Thank you Jesus!"  

He has returned to work and is back leading Healing Services at Christ The King.  Fr. Nigel is a member of the board of directors for The International Order of St Luke the Physician, and will be keynote speaker at the OSL North American Conference in June.   

Fr. Nigel Mumford travels world-wide as a keynote speaker for many healing conferences and missions.   He offers many teachings on the Power of Healing Prayer!  If you are interested in having Fr. Nigel lead a Healing Conference in your area, please contact the healing office to see his availability and fees. (Please note, many venues need to book over a year in advance due to his traveling schedule)

email:  frnmhealing@aol.com


Having been instrumental in bringing the Alpha Course to Canada with several large national conferences commencing in 1996, Ted and Carol were challenged by Francis MacNutt to establish a School of Healing Prayer in Toronto patterned on the approach to prayer for healing initiated by Christian Healing Ministries.  To date, more than seven hundred participants have been through the School in Toronto, ON, Canada.  Ted & Carol are now taking their teachings to host churches for weekend workshops in central Ontario. 

Founders of Christian Healing Associates, they are working towards the establishment of an integrated centre for Christian healing in Toronto, bringing together the work of health care professionals and healing prayer ministry.   Carol has been associated with the OSL for many years and has led workshops at OSL conferences.  Teams of trained prayer ministers are available by appointment to pray with individuals.  Both Carol and Ted are members of the Association of Christian of Christian Therapists (ACT).

Drawing from the awesome love of the Father and of Jesus, and their years of fruitful ministry under the guidance and leadership of the Holy Spirit, Carol and Ted will bring a rich mixture of teaching and encouragement for healing ministry.


In addition to an inspiring and uplifting teaching, Carol will briefly share about her experience with “spiritualist healing” and will clarify why that is not Christian healing, and is not from God. 


Carol has also done extensive research into the origins of Reiki and Healing Touch.  During her talk she outlines why these counterfeits should be avoided, and exposes their origins deeply rooted in the occult. 

Carol and Ted are available to lead workshops and  conferences, and for weekend training events for churches who wish to start or enhance a healing ministry.  You can contact Carol and Ted at:


Jan 16/11   Feb 20/11
Revitalizing OSL Chapters   Healing In The Presence of Jesus
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The Right Reverend Alex McCullough
Spiritual Director
Oratory of The Little Way

The Right Reverend Alex McCullough
Spiritual Director


Bishop Alex McCullough is North American Warden (Director) Emeritus of The International Order of St Luke the Physician.

Bishop Alex reactivated the defunct Westchester County (NY) Chapter he inherited, and has helped build it into a dynamic, growing group.  

During this :40 minute recorded interview he responds to questions about how to revitalize OSL chapters, and is pleased to pass along valuable suggestions and important 'do's and don'ts.' 


North American Warden (Director) Emeritus of The International Order of St Luke the Physician, Bishop Alex has an important and timely message for OSL members and visitors.

Healing In The Presence of Jesus 

Expect to be Encouraged!

Admitted into the chaplaincy of the International Order of St. Luke the Physician (OSL) in Sept. 1979,  He served two 5-year terms first as Associate Warden then Warden for Region 2, and was elected to the North American Board of Directors in 1989. Alex served 2 terms as V.P. of National Board of Directors, and served as the OSL. Warden of North America (NA), 1994 - 1999.  He has served as missioner for many OSL chapter events, and has conducted healing workshops at annual OSL Regional and NA conferences.

Bishop Alex wants to see every congregation of every denomination holding regular healing services with gifts of healing and of miracles. He feels that this not only will bless the sick, but will confirm the Gospel message of' our Lord Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.

Bishop Alex reactivated the defunct Westchester County (NY) Chapter and has helped build it into a dynamic, growing group.

Bishop Alex is retired, and available for conference keynote speaker, and leading healing missions.    

email:  bishopalex@optonline.net  
cell:     914 874 4614
office:  860 354 8294

Oct 17/10
Nov 21/10
Healing by the Jesus of the Gospels   Everyone is Meant to Pray for Healing
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The Ven. Larry Mitchell  

Rev. Mike Endicott

North American Director  


The International Order of St Luke the Physician  

Jacob's Well


A couple of years ago, Larry Mitchell and his wife, Betty, attended a residential training course for a week, led by Mike Endicott and his team at Jacob's Well, in Wales, UK. Their healing ministry has not been the same since!
Larry will have a timely message for all OSL members, and for visitors who are interested in Christian healing, but may be new to OSL. Larry will also share how his OSL chapter in Saskatchewan is thriving as a result of studying healing ministry materials by Mike Endicott. 

Come expecting to be encouraged, and bring your questions.

Larry Mitchell is available as keynote speaker for healing conferences and missions. 


tel:       306 270 4129
email:   lwm.osl@sasktel.net

Have you ever experienced frustration at seeing little or no success when praying with others for healing?  Until Mike desperately sought the Lord about how we should pray for the sick, he did not see great results either.  He was becoming extremely discouraged.  Very few people were being healed. 
But all that changed!  Since learning to pray for healing as Jesus healed he now sees amazing results all the time! 

Mike declares, "Healing ministry is for everyone, not just for a gifted few."

Free mp3 downloads at www.simplyhealing.org

Mike Endicott is available for conferences, speaking and teaching engagements in North America. 

tel:       +(44) 1633 483660  (Wales, UK)

email:  mike@simplyhealing.org
web:    www.simplyhealing.org

*4:00 pm EST in your local time zone

  9:00    UK
  6::00   Newfoundland (Canada)
  5::00  Atlantic (Canada)
  4:00   Eastern
  3:00   Central
  2:00   Mountain
  1:00   Pacific
12:00  Alaska
10:00  Hawaii

Conference Calls Website | OSL Region 8
